Today's workout is similar to our last workout except we are primarily working the upper body instead of our legs. You will complete 4 circuits, 4 exercises at each, 1 minute per exercise. Complete the 4 circuits a total of 2 times through. In between each circuit you will have an active recovery of 1 min. jump rope. Remember to keep proper form. It's not about how many reps you get through in a minute. More importantly is keeping your form perfect so you get the most out of the exercise.
You will need weights and a jump rope for this workout. I've added links to exercise demos for some of the exercises...sorry not my own demos this time:).
Start with a 4 minute jog. After each minute stop and do 10 push ups, 10 squats, 10 jumping jacks, and 10 mountain climbers.
Circuit 1:
1 minute push ups
1 minute Bicep Curls
1 min. Overhead Press
1 min. Tricep Kickbacks
1 min. jump rope
Circuit 2:
1 min. Dips
1 min. Plank
1 min. Tricep Push ups
1 min. Bicep Curls
1 min. jump rope
Circuit 3:
1 min. Plank Row (alternating sides)
1 min. Reverse Fly
1 min. Push ups
1 min. Bear Crawl
1 min. jump rope
Circuit 4:
1 min. Tricep Push Ups
1 min. Overhead Press
1 min. Inch Worm
1 min. Bicep Curls
1 min. jump rope
Cool Down and stretch!