Monday, July 1, 2013

Deck of Cards Workout

This short but intense workout is one of my CrossFit favorites.  It's an easy one to do at home and with little to no equipment.  Here's how it works.   You assign each suit a specific exercise.  For example burpees, pushups, dips, etc. Cards 2-10 are worth their face value.  Ace is 1, Jack is 11, Queen is 12, King is 13.  Shuffle the deck and set them face down.  Pull one card at a time and do the exercise that corresponds to the suit you drew. The amount you do is determined by which card you draw. So for example lets say Hearts are burpees and you draw a Jack of hearts.  You would then do 11 burpees and then turn over the next card.  The workout is over when you've gone through the entire deck of cards.

For today's workout we are going to do the following exercises for each suit.  Feel free to repeat this workout any time you want and switch out different exercises.  If you need exercise suggestions let me know.

Spades- Burpees
Hearts- Sit-ups
Clubs- Squats
Diamonds- Push-ups


  1. Dani and I just finished our first bootcamp workout. We didn't have time yesterday to do it, but did the deck of cards workout today. Woohoo!! Feeling GOOD and sweaty!! Bethany even did part of it with us!


  2. Great! We love sweat:) Let me know how tomorrow's workout goes.
